Politically Motivated Messaging

What you will find here, are thoughts on the current political climate. They are neither Right nor Left, though both are likely to be represented. Anyone who looks further than the surface of politics, knows that neither Left nor Right cares about the people they are supposed to be serving. They only care about obtaining, and retaining power.

This can be seen in many of the policies that get passed, both with, and without the general public ever being aware. The myth of the Two-Party System, is a prime example of how the Left and the Right retain power. As long as they can convince you that there are only two parties that will ever be elected to office, they retain their power, and force you to vote for the Lesser of Two Evils, instead of someone who actually represents your political beliefs.

Get Your Anti Social Media Gear

U.S. ConstitutionIn America, we have the right to Free Speech. Other countries also have free speech, but only in America, is it written directly into the Founding Document of our country; our Constitution. Not only is it included in the Constitution of the United States, it is part of the First Amendment of that Constitution. Placed there as the first of ten amendments by our Founding Fathers, known as the Bill of Rights.

We Americans take these Rights very seriously. Just because you do not like what someone has to say, does not give you the right to keep them from saying it. You can always walk away, turn the channel, or click to another website. You have the freedom to not hear what they say, but you do not have the right to silence them.

Currently, Social Media platforms are deciding what is appropriate speech, and what is not. They are removing content that someone, somewhere, might find objectionable. If they remove your content, or simply remove your account, you have no way to fight it.

We have created T-Shirts and mugs that let you show your support for those who have been censored by Social Media. Tell the world how you feel about your speech, and the speech of others being systematically removed from the Internet!

Useful Links

The following are all relevant sources of news, and all have been hit by YouTube demonetization, or worse, because they refuse to anyone's agenda but their own.

Tim Pool - Main Channel. Timcast, Subverse - News and current events.

Liberty Doll - News on what impacts your liberty.

Steven Crowder - News and Satire.

Sydney Watson - Journalist and Commentator (Australia)

Daisy Cousins - Journalist and Commentator (Australia)

Carl Benjamin - The Thinkery, Sargon of Akkad - Commentary and Satire (Great Britain)